Under Offer
New build
Fixed Price £333,995
Under Offer
New build

3 bed terraced house for sale in Gorbals

The Muir, 5 Bedford Row, Gorbals, Glasgow, G5 9DD
ESPC Chartered Firm
Tenure Freehold

A modern 3-bedroom terraced house ready for you to move into this Autumn. Enjoy city life with the benefits of suburb living, this property features an open plan lounge, dining and modern kitchen of your choice. In addition to the family bathroom, the Muir features a WC and ensuite off the principal bedroom. Additionally, there is accessible attic space within this property, a private garden to the rear and a private driveway included -making it the perfect choice for your new family home Please note, CGIs/ pictures are representative of an Urban Union home, but details may vary depending on house type.

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* School catchment data is provided for information purposes only and ESPC UK Ltd does not accept any responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of the data. You should always contact the local authority responsible for the provision of education in a property's location, and more information on particular school catchment areas can be found via the links here.