In a picturesque setting to the end of the charming village of Kirk Yetholm, Hill House is a chocolate box cottage with character and endless...
Shieldaig is a fantastic semi-detached cottage, occupying an enviable setting just below Hume Castle and enjoying superb uninterrupted views of the...
5 Sweethope Cottage sits just five miles from Kelso, with the stunning countryside offering a wonderful balance of an outdoor and county lifestyle,...
2 Mansefield Court is a very well-presented and spacious mid-terraced property, situated within a popular and highly convenient area, just a short...
Situated within a peaceful and highly regarded estate, 16 TweedsydePark offers buyers the opportunity to acquire a well-proportioned two-bedroom...
Positioned just off the vibrant town square of Kelso, Belmont Place is a peaceful, premium setting being ideally situated just a stone's throw from...
Maintenance free easy living accommodation on one level. Secure landscaped area within an easy walk to the Town Centre.
An extremely well-presented detached bungalow, tucked away in a private spot, just a short walk from the beautiful town centre of Kelso. Perfect...