The seller's traffic report offers information on traffic received by your property over the last 7, 14 and 30 days. Your report provides details on five key metrics:

Number of times appeared in search results

The number of times a property is seen within search results.

Number of times search result clicked

The number of times the property was clicked in the search results

Property search click through rate

The number of views of property details coming from search results (i.e. Search Result Clicks) as a percentage of the total number of Search Result views. Please note that this is not simply the total number of Property Detail views as a percentage of Search Result views as users do not have to come through search results to view properties.

As such, this figure gives you a clear indicator of the percentage of users who are seeing your property in search results and then opting to click through to view property details.

Number of times property details viewed

The total number of times the 'property details' page relating to your property has been viewed. This includes clicks from search results and clicks from other sources, e.g. email alerts

Number of times schedule viewed

The number of times your property schedule has been downloaded from

Number of times Home Report viewed

The number of times users have requested a copy of the Home Report for your property from your selling agent through

Number of times virtual tour clicked 

The number of times a virtual tour is viewed on Please note, not all properties display a virtual tour. 

Number of times appeared as Premium Listing

If you purchased a Premium Listing, to have your property shown in the search results more frequently, this row will show you the additional number of times your property was shown in the search results. 

Number of times Premium Listing clicked

If you purchased a Premium Listing, this row will display the additional number of times the property was clicked in the search results

Premium Listing click through rate (%)

If you purchased a Premium Listing, this row will display the number of views of property details coming from search results (i.e. Search Result Clicks) as a percentage of the total number of Search Result views, as explained above.