Gourock at a glance*

Average selling price
Median time to sell
24 days
Most popular property type
4 bedroom house

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* Sales statistics shown here are for the wider Inverclyde area, due to data availability. Figures are based on properties marketed and sold through ESPC. Home Report valuations relate to properties where the Home Report was available on espc.com. Figures relate to the 12 month period ending on 31/08/2024

Gourock is a town falling within Inverclyde. In the past it has functioned as a seaside resort in the Firth of Clyde, however, these days it is a popular residential area, extending contiguously from Greenock, with a railway terminus and ferry services across the Clyde. Boasting a golf course, yacht club, heated outdoor swimming pool, Gourack has many leisure facilities on offer.