Barnhill Farm Powmill, Dollar, FK14 7NS


Sale history

£35,000 in April 2024

The property

McEwan Fraser Legal are delighted to offer to the market this generously sized building plot which will appeal to self-builders and developers. The plot enjoys a charming, semi-rural location, yet is conveniently placed just on the outskirts of Kinross and approximately 10 miles north of Dunfermline. The plot itself has a fence outlining the size of the plot, and has the potential to build on with the correct planning or may appeal to the equestrian or smallholding market. The plot could be utilised to offer a sizeable property with ample garden grounds surrounding it. This is an excellent opportunity for a small developer or self-builder looking to build their own bespoke design property, in a substantial building plot. The description of properties on the website does not form part of any offer and all statements and photographs are for illustrative purposes only and not guaranteed. Buyers must satisfy themselves on the accuracy and authenticity of each property listed.

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