Fixed Price £208,000

2 bed semi-detached house for sale in Paisley

7 Roffey Park Road, Paisley, PA1 3JL
Total Floor Area 90m²
Council Tax Band E
Energy Rating D
Tenure Freehold
Key features
  • Traditional Semi Detached Villa
  • Two Public Rooms
  • Beautiful Garden
  • Close to Barshaw Park

This traditional semi detached villa sits at the top end of Roffey Park Road, close to Barshaw Park. It is a rarer style of property to come to the market and bursts with cottage charm. There is an entrance hallway that welcomes you to the property and accesses the ground floor apartments. The cosy lounge is to the front of the house and has a bay window with stained glass inserts making it a lovely room to enjoy the sun from its southerly aspects. The spacious dining room provides a second public room and additional flexibility on how the house can be used. The kitchen is just off this room at the back of the house and has a lovely cottage feel to it with outlooks to the garden and space for a breakfast table. There are plenty of fitted storage units and space for appliances such as a fridge, freezer, hob, washing machine and dishwasher. In addition the kitchen provides direct access to the back garden. On the upper level there are two good sized double bedrooms and a shower room. One bedroom has pleasant outlooks to the front of the house and the other enjoys views over the back garden and towards Barshaw Park. The shower room is a bright, fresh room with a WC, wash hand basin and a shower cubicle. The property specification includes gas central heating, mixed single and double glazing and attic storage. There are gardens to the front and rear of the property which are well stocked with plants, shrubs and trees. The secluded rear garden is an inviting and tranquil area to enjoy the weather and nature. Dimensions Lounge 13’10 x 12’11 Dining Room 17’11 x 10’9 Kitchen 11’7 x 10’1 Bedroom 1 12’10 x 10’9 Bedroom 2 11’0 x 10’6 Shower Room 7’5 x 7’0

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* School catchment data is provided for information purposes only and ESPC UK Ltd does not accept any responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of the data. You should always contact the local authority responsible for the provision of education in a property's location, and more information on particular school catchment areas can be found via the links here.