Under Offer
Offers Over £350,000
Under Offer

1 bed lower flat for sale in Braids

12 (GF) Pentland Terrace, Braids, Edinburgh, EH10 6EY
ESPC Chartered Firm
Total Floor Area 78m²
Council Tax Band E
Energy Rating D
Tenure Freehold

Property highlight: Home report value £375,000

Lower villa, ideally situated in The Braids area of Edinburgh. The property is located in a quiet cul-de-sac with no through traffic and enjoys an open outlook to Braidburn Valley Park as well as easy access to the many amenities in nearby Morningside. Although now requiring some cosmetic upgrading, the property offers considerable potential. Easily converted to a two bedroom. The internal layout is accessed via a shared vestibule into a welcoming hallway. To the front is a spacious bay-windowed sitting room with an open outlook, fireplace and decorative cornice work. Off the hallway is the bathroom as well as a spacious store cupboard. To the rear is the double bedroom as well as the dining room which leads into the kitchen. From the kitchen there is direct access to the patio garden to the rear which in turn leads to the enclosed rear garden up a few steps.

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* School catchment data is provided for information purposes only and ESPC UK Ltd does not accept any responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of the data. You should always contact the local authority responsible for the provision of education in a property's location, and more information on particular school catchment areas can be found via the links here.